Tuesday, June 17, 2008


my blog tonight is about Tayler.Ok to start these are just a few words to describe her AWESOME,FANTASTIC and AMAZING. There is no way I could live without tayler she is like my sister, we tell each other EVERYTHING talk everyday and when we hang out we always have an amazing time. I cant wait till she comes back from Vegas because then we can have some more fun and have sleepovers practically every night. I hope tayler will always always always be my best friend because like i said before I can't live without her. this could be a non ending post but I am tired so I hope you know i love you tayler.


Rebel Girl said...

THANK YOU SUNSHINE!!!! I love you... you are amazing... and yes I know you love me more then anything else in the world!!! And yes.... that ANYTHING is AMBER!!!

love YA:

Alsup said...
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Alsup said...
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