Monday, June 9, 2008


OMG!!! My house is sooooo hot. the thermostat is 80 degrees and my mom and dad say that is it is the perfect temperature.are they crazy it feels like I am living in a sauna. I tried to turn it down today becauce i was just dieing but what do ya know i got in trouble for it. i mean come on it is hotter inside my house than it is outside. somthings wrong with that picture. so since i get in trouble for messing with the thermostat then I figure maybe I can turn on my fan, so I did and about five minutes later I get yelled at for haveing MY fan on in MY room. What is the point in having a fan if you can't use it, so right now my only place to resort away to is my scary,dark,messy basement. atleast it's cool down there so yep that is my dilemma of the day....

1 comment:

Rebel Girl said...

Yeah, and I would know!!!! Hehe... I still love coming to your house though!!!!!

Love YA:
TAY :)