Sunday, June 8, 2008


ok yes i know this blog is about 5 weeks late but better late than never right.

D.C. was so much fun. what is better than being with your friends, away from home, and having fun for five days straight. ok to start off the trip we got to experience a 14 hour bus ride with about 34 of are class mates. WOW that could make a person go crazy. I need my space and quiet time and that bus ride didn't include those two things. I was so glad to hear that we were finally in D.C. Are hotel was surprisingly really nice. In my room was tayler,Ashley and Lauren we had a fun time in that room let's just say we blasted music, didn't go to bed till about 2:00 every night and got security called on us,no big deal right. Girls just wanna have fun!!! talk about being exhausted at the end of the day. We walked so much I swear we walked 20 miles a day for 3 days straight. My favorite site was the holocaust museum it was so sad to see everything that happened in that period of time.I know me and Tayler really enjoyed it. One day we got to eat lunch at the mall and let's just say are group ate super fast because we were wanting to go shopping after and we did!! We had fun at Victoria's secret and spent about 100 dollars but I really didn't care and we were late to get on the bus so we had stay with are chaperone for the rest of the day but we got out of that one. I mean come on getting for girls out of a mall on time is next to impossible.the food was ok, if you are a fast food freak so it is now four weeks later and fast food is still out of the question and tayler i am sure agrees with me. Anyways here are some pics of are fun vacation.


Alsup said...
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Rebel Girl said...

Hey Sunshine!!! We WILL have an AWESOME summer when I am with you in Lake of the Ozarks with OUR family!!! I cant wait......