Sunday, July 6, 2008

my fabulous fourth of july weekend!!

ok so we left o'fallon on Friday morning and drove up to lake matoon. It was such a relaxed and exciting weekend. We watched the fireworks on the boat and it was something I will never forget it was so pretty and enjoying. On saturday we had a fish fry for lunch. pretty discusting if you ask me, I hate fish and we ate the fish we caught so after seeing heads and guts beeing cut off the fish and then to see headless,tailess and scaleless fish flopping all around was horrifiyng, so I had so appetite for nothing that day. then we went tubing which was my favorite part of the trip. the waves were so big. I flew off 4 times two of which were on purpose becauce I simply had no more strength to hold on and it was just fun to fly off. Later on that day we played horseshoes,crouqet and bocce ball which was fun. saturday night we went over to the neighbors for a bonfire and smores. so on sunday morning which was the final day we started ot off like all the mornings we spent there and we went fishing i caught 23 fish and my dad and brother caught 40 fish EACH!!!! I dont like fishing but it really wasnt bad as long as I didn't have to touch a worm or a fish.=] also we went tubing on sunday then it was time to head back to ofallon. we were all so tired including the dog who could barely stand he was so tired. my brother and I can barely move becauce we are soooo sore from tubing. well that sums it up for my fourth of July weekend.

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